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Education in two variations

Dootzkie Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Here is a beautiful picture of the second most beautiful sight in Mostar. First one would be my girlfriend, of course.

For those that don't know, two decades ago people of the Balkans, blinded by the corrupt leaders, couldn't decide which God of the present had a bigger penis and in the turmoil the Old Bridge of Mostar was destroyed.
Years after it was rebuilt and this is how it looks now

Here is another picture

Now, what does this have with education, you ask! It's simple... In the picture you got three important things. The pile of rocks in the bottom left corner, the Helebija and Tara towers that are still as they were centuries ago and the bridge that has been made recently.

Here, I saw, in this sight a clear path for the future of education and therefor the future of out civilization. I saw this the first time when I was sunbathing under the bridge over a year ago and I put that into a paper for my sociology class called "Stones and bricks; Summerhill and Brave New World".

I will translate this paper and shorten it or release it in bits during the upcoming period.
Until now, I consider the picture delivered and the random post that should be posted today done in this announcement.

Enjoy the picture and think which do you like the most? Uniformed bricks of the bridge, pile of rocks on the bank of Neretva river or the original towers ;)


Splendid TV said...

I prefer the first pic, also looking forward to seeing your translated work.

brn said...

holy stuff, that's beautiful! man, i gotta go visit Bosnia and Herzegovina before i die..
i don't even think i can chose what i like the most. probably the uniformed bricks of the bridge though.

Dejch said...

looks nice, i am pretty close but never been there yet

MarkeeTeeVee said...

So pretty. Awesome post bro. Btw, can you tell m how you did that gadget in your sidebar? The one with Stalker, >:3, and about me menus? I rly need to find out. Thanks!

Intraman said...

ohhh are you from Mostar? I remember going there (must be more than 10 or 15 years ago now, feels old man :(...) and it was beautiful although the bridge was still broken. The food was great too!

Solsby Kid said...

The first pic is amazing :)

Gheko said...

I prefer the second one.. No idea why though..

Nom de Plume said...

nice photos dude

Kicking Rocks said...

both pics look great!

D4 said...

That's one fine ass bridge. Mmmmm.

Moobeat said...

looks great

Anonymous said...

I think the bridge is very nice! I like the architecture and how thin it looks.

ed said...

historic, nice pics

Speedy Ed said...

I like the first one, i like seeing the lake :) amazing pictures though

AllenTesch said...

So peaceful.

Anonymous said...

I'm liking the first one because it makes you wonder what's beyond the bridge in that angle

BigMike said...

I think i am going to go with the bridge....

duffboi said...

I liked the first pic more. Good post.

Mercurio said...

The first bridge looks a lot better than the new one. All because god's pennis

Trolske said...

I prefer the 2nf picture...Dunno why, I just do it.

OatmealStout said...

This is really nice! I like the second picture.

13-c-a-t-s said...

beautiful bridge, nice to have your insight into the picture too

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