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Inspirational Quotes

Dootzkie Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I am fully aware of the fact that these have been done over and over again, but I will my unique Dootzkie charm to these posts ;)
The quotations I will post here will be proverbs, sayings, maxims, or just parts of songs or books or movies I like. I firmly believe that one of the best ways to grade a book is to see if you are able to pick up a phrase that will become a part of your vocabulary and you yourself over time. This also goes for the movies and songs.

Today I shall share with you part one of the three quotes that I lead my life by. They are much more potent if they are together, but for the sake of allowing them to sing in with you I will reveal them one by one. Also, first two may have different versions in English because I am giving, what I think is a good translation from Latin.

First decide who you would be. Then do what you must do!
~Marcus Aurelius

For me, this quote represents the pre requirement for machiavellism. You need to have the picture of you self and the world you create around your self in the future so clear that you can cut your self on that sight. Once you have made that decision, stick to it and do what must be done for that goal to be achieved.

The decision part is the hard one! Once you go over that, the act of doing is only a way, means, to materialize the decision and thus is not desirable to have second guesses then.

Tell me, do you have any quotes or what not that you lead your life by. What are they.
And what do you think this quote could mean to you.


Nom de Plume said...

One of my favourites is this one: “Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone” by Borges.


Astronomy Pirate said...

I like "Dawn: When men of reason go to bed." by Ambrose Bierce.

Oh look, the Sun is coming up, time to sleep.

Gheko said...

"In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing."

From Edward Burke

Whenever somebody mentions the word quote, this comes to mind.

Solsby Kid said...

'Live and let live'

Al3xaG said...

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much" Oscar Wilde

This works so well actually.

Patti D. said...

awesome quotes, love them!

Doro said...

For me "First decide who you would be. Then do what you must do!" is best too. I'm doing what I must do ;)

brn said...

"I try to find something to love in everybody, even if it's a small thing. There's always something. there has to be" from the movie Chloe. one of my fav quotes.

Dave said...

Im inspired now.

Mercurio said...

"when everyone zigs, zag!"

ed said...

i dont live by any quotes

Trolske said...

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

Whoa, that really does seem inspiring!

Sean said...

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Chew on that one for a bit.

Anonymous said...

Quotes can be so inspired.

baka1236 said...

"First decide who you would be. Then do what you must do!"

Living by this right now actually.. Gotta have a discussion with my parents now because of it

Sam said...

Forgiving someone else is forgiving yourself. Holding a grudge against yourself, is holding one inside and against you.

Lunarchy said...

This is a brilliant quote! Thanks for sharing it!

Jesse Crows said...

i really like the design of your blog!

Lealeepo said...

My favorite qoute: "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn’t understand the assignment.
I told them they didn’t understand life."
— John Lennon.

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom from Marcus Aurelius himself!

King Elysium said...

Good quote! I'll keep it in mind

Thatguyheis said...

Favorite quote of all times:

Sanity is for the weak!

Sean said...

Mine is pretty much anything from Bruce Lee. I think my favorite one is:

"Obey the principles without being bound to them."

RedHeadRob said...

"The Force may not have a Light or Dark Side—but we do... and we must choose."
―Luke Skywalker

Trelin said...

Good quote. You can't know how to respond to life if you don't know yourself and what you believe in.

123 said...

i don't think i really have a favorite quote

Electric Addict said...

there is no trying, only doing.

JayPower said...

Awesome quote, inspirational! ;D

joomla said...

this post is really inspiring

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