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Picture that makes you got "Wat?"

Dootzkie Monday, May 2, 2011
Well, either "Wat?!" or make you run away. This one will be mine and I think you cannot understand how disturbed I was when I saw that for the first time.

I know I said there will be pictures from my last trip, but since I have around 700 pictures in my mobile it was kinda expected that I will derail the course of appearance of the fore mentioned pictures.

So you are chilling, talking with new people and with a corner of your eye you notice something and then you see this!

Hope you liked the Picture Monday.
There are much more pictures to come ;)



Nope said...

Oh god. I think it would be more worrying to imagine that that is your own reflection and you have no idea why your head looks like that of a bears. Anyway, I look forward to more 'wat' images.

Minecraftblogger said...

haha, will be sharing this!

Jay said...


Kicking Rocks said...

What was he thinking?


Anonymous said...

What is that? A man with a bear's head? I'd be scared :P

MarkeeTeeVee said...

disturbed o_o

VersionDouble said...


Unknown said...

Very creepy...

Lealeepo said...

In this situation it would have scared the hell out of me.

Stef Pelgrims said...

i would shit my pants if i suddenly saw this!

Trolske said...

He/it looks scary Oo

psychpost said...

lolwut said...

This is actually more creepy than it is funny lol.

baka1236 said...

if i saw that right now outside my window i'd crap my pants

Anonymous said...

Lol I'll die of laughter if I saw this

13-c-a-t-s said...

kill it with fire

123 said...

my official response: wat

Keine Scheisse said...


Lhosreiff said...

What? It looks perfectly normal to me.

Erasmus said...

Freaking furry-types. >.>

Erika said...

Sod ever seeing that when you open your curtains!

Astronomy Pirate said...


Pappa Püllï said...

Hahaha nice, WHAT?! :D

Spazzin said...

wat. WAT? I'd be traumatized if I saw that as a kid.

Anonymous said...

looks like pedobear

Trelin said...

It depends. Is it wearing pants?

Unknown said...

pic-Google for sudden bear:

Danny Murphy said...

I would piss myself if I saw that

brn said...

hahah i'd be so creeped out if i saw that

Corridor said...

uh. WHAT?

ed said...

that is creepy

Dave said...

Looks like my Dad lol.

Nom de Plume said...

lol I wonder what the story behind that is

Anonymous said...

lol it's pedobear on a offday

d0t said...

ha I have a similar pic on my phone of pedobear chasing a guy with a velociraptor head on. No idea who took it or where it came from.

William Main said...

I see that you did what a good Samaritan would do and took a picture to show everyone on the internet. Really bizarre, I'd have been looking back for ages.

Gaberabtic said...

WHAT THE.......

slash971 said...

creeeapy :O

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