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Suppress and shift mechanism.

Dootzkie Wednesday, March 9, 2011
One of the patterns I have noticed that occurs in almost every sphere of our lives is the suppression of potential and then a shift towards some other, often illusionary, values.

Let me explain on one of the most simple and present example of this mechanisms workings. As I child, you are in your most able to learn and soak up period of life and your curious mind has no rest and gives no rest to others around you. What is this, how does that work, where did it come from. You want to know everything about everything. You are still a proper human being.

Then you get to a curtain age and you need to enroll into the education system. A child might think that education system is there to help you learn more about everything. Sadly this is not the case since you are given a scale on which you need to perform. Your work needs to be enough to get you over imaginary line number one, but will go to waste if it goes over imaginary line number two, thus giving you a section on the scale that you need to perform on. This suppresses your potential in some fields and also steals away your precious resources while because you have to bother with stuff that are as far away from your interests and fields of potential as Moon is from the Earth.

With the suppression part over, in the next couple of years (grades) you come under the influence of the idea that you shouldn't study for the sake of knowledge and understanding, but to get grades. A shift in values happens and you only start to think about illusionary numbers or letters that represent your ability. You stop caring about info and only worry about the end result. This enables you to cheat without any second though.

Welcome to Earth
~Where money is the root of all evil and
~Where you live to get more money.


Shaft said...

I wish when I was younger I had be exposed to a second language. Could have came in very handy now, but I just will have to study hard to learn it.

Unknown said...

"Welcome to Earth
~Where money is the root of all evil and
~Where you live to get more money."

sad but true :( said...

"A shift in values happens and you only start to think about illusionary numbers or letters that represent your ability."

Agreed. Makes me appreciate art even more.

Killtrip said...

I never realized how true this was until I had kids of my own and witnessed it first hand.

Electric Addict said...

I agree, it's a very unfortunate situation. Kids who are home schooled are many times smarter than those in public school because of "grades".

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree. For all the research, such as the Cambridge Primary Review, and the advocating currently taking place in the UK we're still adhering to grades, standards, a narrow curriculum, standardised testing, etc.
The evidence is there to support it; the unfortunate thing is that it's being consistently ignored.

aDailyRoutine said...

I agree 100%!
I used to cheat for grades until I've realized that in reality I haven't really learned any of the curriculum!
Now I actually understand concepts and theories and can apply it to the world around me:)

Ano said...

great post bro! awsome blog. following

tracirz said...

This is exactly why I unschool my kids! I effin love that Sir Ken Robinson video.

Niek said...

Interesting, i'm following :)

Megan Hansen said...

Very well put :) I agree that schools are really not built to make smart people, but to make good employees that chase their paychecks. Then we're encouraged to waste them on consumer desires, rather than things we actually need. The circle of life!

Mad said...

Very true, unfortunately that's what we get. People are taught from the start that they have to have good grades, having the knowledge or not...

J. William Caldwell said...

I believe all of the education systems are just slowly starting to fail, lower standards, lower quality population. It's truely unfortunate.

psychpost said...

There's a bit of a problem. Without formal education it is difficult to use our intelligence. But the school systems also teach us to only have the outward appearance of intelligence (knowledge).

Nom de Plume said...

An interesting point of view!

nowaysj said...

This is yet another indicator of the wholesale collapse of our civilization. Goodbye humanity.



PackScoot said...

Alas, we become atomatons!

nowaysj said...

Only until there are true automatons, then we will only be a liability... and will be eliminated.

#19 said...

~Where money is the root of all evil and
~Where you live to get more money.

I can't tell you how true that is.

DubbaDeeDoo said...

Damn, this is very true. I've been through it. Even right now, at the age of 21, I'm constantly trying to discover who I am. Very cliche, but it's a real one.

duffboi said...

if not money, than I wonder what...

ChaCha said...

Now I'm wondering if I should send my future kids to school


well, put, even in college i found myself learning things only long enough to write the answers on the test

Jimmy Fungus said...

I always thought, in America at least, higher education was a way to keep the poor folk down, since a diploma in some ways is an "illusionary" credential...You either need a lot of money to get one, or need to work really hard (i.e. working a job to get you through school, attaining scholarships, etc.)to get one. It's a system set up to make it harder for the less fortunate to break out of their plight, since odds are so stacked against them,...And then society places so much emphasis on having a degree which is not nescessarily indicative of how smart or competent someone is... Well, anyway, good blog, I am following you...

Ephedrine said...

great words of wisdom.

Supernova said...

I agree, I think the education system today is merely memorizing what the teacher tells you and regurgitating it on a test. They don't really encourage abstract thought. While this is perfect to prepare you for the assembly line/general labor market, it does nothing to encourage creativity or any desire for personal growth.

Wolle said...

I do agree with you and I've already seen the great speech on TED. Keep on the good work!

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